Tuesday 21 September 2010


Why the big title picture? More than anything else in the world, my little girl loves cats, and anything about cats so this picture is here as a homage and a salute to her devotion.

Everyday we leave the house a few minutes early so that we can stop and stroke any cat we may find on the way to school, we have quite a good clowder by now:
Ginger, Window cat, aka Robbie Kitten, Password Cat, aka PC cat, Fat Friendly Cat, Not so Fat Friendly Cat, Baps, Leon, Splotchy, Cat Who Thinks He's a Dog, Stripe... and of course there's our two, Tugga and Star.

God bless you my Cat Girl.

First things first...

I have been toying with the idea of a blog for a very long time as a means of having some creative output in my life outside cupcakes or balance sheets, so here I go...

This will be a record of Autumn-Winter 2010 and how I cope with menopause at 45 and hormone replacement therapy, anti-depressants, anaemia, a 10 year old girl with Asperger's and a dyslexic 8 year old boy while trying to sit for ACCA professional level exams, start my own accounting services company, hopefully train for the London Marathon if awarded a place, loose a stone in weight and give up alcohol for the duration.

I think I need a lie down after that. :D))