Monday 11 October 2010

Every Mother

I wasn't in the closet with my blog but a massive walk-in wardrobe, the kind I tell my husband that I dream of having in my dream house in my dream life (not going to happen!!! :D(()

And then he ousted me; and my twee (sic) blog design came out with me. It was called Autumn into Winter because it was supposed to be the length of it, it also signifies where I am at in the biological scheme of things, at the end of my Summer and heading for Winter (but with the help of Lancôme and l 'Oreal, because I'm worth it!).

Ever since I can talk/write I've had a tendency to go off on an existential tangent without a "By your leave!" (Bear with me!), so what for me is clearer than Waterford crystal is rather obscure and obfuscated to everybody else, so I decided to change the name of my blog to "Every Mother", which is who I hope to pay homge to and whom it will resonate with, and because that's who I am; like any and every mother/wife/daughter/sister, trying to be the best you can be by being the only thing you can be… you.

So here it is, with love and laughter… Me

1 comment:

  1. Seu post não foi tardio e já foi para o blog.

    Fico triste apenas por seu irmão ter tido que optar entre o amor e a religião. O celibato é uma violência! É triste a igreja não permitir que o homem siga sua natureza. Desejo que ele e a esposa sejam muito felizes.

    Feliz Natal a você e sua família.

    Um beijo
